Implementation phase

„Mobile Civil Servant. Improving the availability of public services for residents with special needs.”

Project No.: POWR.04.03.00-00-0134 / 18

About the project

The transnational project is implemented by the Social Participation Foundation-Leader of the Project, together with partners. Thanks to the project commune/municipalities from all over Poland will implement a new solution to meet the needs of residents with special needs. Civil servants will reach people who cannot reach the offices.

Goal of the project:

The main goal of the project is to develop a model of activities and raise the level of competences of 96 municipal civil servants in the area of customer service and functions needed (as defined in the Accessibility+ Program 2018-2025) – people with biological and legal disabilities, weakened by diseases, with temporary or permanent limitation of mobility and reaching the place of providing services, older people (65+), dependent people (15+) who, because of health deficits, are at risk of social and civic exclusion.

The aim of the project is to create a model of the „Mobile civil servant” service. It is a new solution that provides services at the place of residence / stay of a client with special needs.

As part of the project, 40 municipal offices from all over Poland implemented the „Mobile civil servant” service, testing its functionality. Based on the experience gained, we refine a model that you can adapt in your offices!

We invite 80 municipal offices from all over Poland to implement the „Mobile civil servant” service!


In order to participate in the recruitment, please go to the contact form

By participating in the „Mobile civil servant” project, you will receive:

  • A series of trainings for employees of municipal / city offices implementing the model, in the field of: procedures and tools for providing services outside the office, standards of customer service with special needs.
  • Financial resources for additional remuneration for service coordinators in the office
  • Certificate of participation in training.
  • Teaching materials.
  • Consulting assistance from the project team.
  • Possibility to consult selected issues with an expert.
  • Contacts with commune offices that have implemented the „Mobile civil servant” service.

The participants of testing the solution will be required to implement the „Mobile civil servant” service to the practice of the unit’s operation, by way of the Ordinance of the municipality administrator / Mayor / President or the Resolution of the Municipality/ City Council. For a minimum period of 12 months.

Due to the situation related to the SARS-Cov-2 virus epidemic, the organization of training and the course of the service implementation process will be adjusted to the applicable recommendations. Current information will be provided by e-mail and on the project website.

  • The project regulations can be found in the downloadable documents tab.

In order to maintain the representativeness of the target group, in accordance with the provisions of the project application and the rules of participation in project testing, the number of places for individual macroregions (NUTS 1 division) is limited:

  • north-west macroregion (West Pomeranian, Lubuskie, Greater Poland voivodeships) – 15 municipalities,
  • south-west macroregion (Dolnośląskie and Opolskie voivodeships) – 9 municipalities,
  • southern macroregion (Małopolskie, Śląskie voivodships) – 11 municipalities,
  • eastern macroregion (Podkarpackie, Lubelskie, Podlaskie voivodships) – 10 municipalities,
  • central macroregion (Łódzkie and Świętokrzyskie voivodeships) – 10 municipalities,
  • macroregion Mazowieckie Voivodeship – 10 municipalities,
  • northern macroregion – 15 municipalities.

Implementation period:

November 2019 – January 2022


Project co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund under the Operational Program Knowledge Education Development, Priority Axis IV. Social innovations and transnational cooperation, Action: 4.3 Transnational cooperation

Total amount of eligible expenses in the project: PLN 1,445,604.00

Co-financing amount: PLN 1,402,140.00

Co-financing from EU funds: PLN 1 363 060.01


Social Participation Foundation – leader

Regional Center for Social Policy in Poznań – national partner

Association VSBI – a transnational partner from Germany

The Social Unitas company – a transnational partner from Germany


During the project implementation, we will constantly adapt to the pandemic situation in Poland and, depending on it, possibly change the form in which the project assumptions will be made.

„Mobile civil servant. Improving the availability of public services for residents with special needs ”

Project number: POWR.04.03.00-00-0134 / 18

By completing and sending the above form, you consent to the processing by the Foundation for Social Participation of your personal data contained in the forms and attached documents for the purpose of recruitment for the project „Mobile Officer” organized by the Foundation for Social Participation, as well as the implementation of the above-mentioned project. The consent may be withdrawn at any time without affecting the lawfulness of the processing carried out prior to its withdrawal.

The administrator of your personal data is the Foundation for Social Participation. Your personal data will be processed for the purpose of the current recruitment for the „Mobile Officer” project. The recipient of your personal data may be the Regional Center for Social Policy.

Please be advised that the administrator of your personal data is the Foundation for Social Participation with its registered office in Poznań (61-131), at ul. Polska 15. Personal data will be processed in order to recruit the „Mobile Officer” project until December 2021.

The personal data provided by you will not / will be made available to other recipients and will not be / will be transferred to a third country. You have the right to access your data and the right to rectify, delete, limit processing, the right to transfer data, the right to object, the right to withdraw consent at any time without affecting the lawfulness of processing, which was made on the basis of consent before its withdrawal, as well as the right to lodge a complaint to the supervisory body when you feel that the processing of your personal data violates the provisions of the general regulation on the protection of personal data of April 27, 2016.

Data Protection Inspector

Providing your personal data is voluntary.

The schedule of activities will be made available after the groups are recruited.


In connection with the implementation of the project no. POWR.04.03.00-00-0134 / 18 pt. „Mobile Civil Servant. Improving the availability of public services for residents with special needs ”, co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund, under the Knowledge Education Development Operational Program, Priority Axis IV. Social innovations and transnational cooperation, Action: 4.3 Transnational cooperation, we invite you to submit offers for the rental of training rooms along with the provision of accommodation and meals for training participants, in accordance with the subject of research indicated in the appendix.

Research – room rental, meals, accommodation, Tarnowo Podgórne



In connection with the implementation of the project no. POWR.04.03.00-00-0134 / 18 pt. „Mobile Civil Servant. Improving the availability of public services for residents with special needs ”, co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund, under the Knowledge Education Development Operational Program, Priority Axis IV. Social innovations and transnational cooperation, Action: 4.3 Transnational cooperation, we invite you to submit offers for the rental of training rooms along with the provision of accommodation and meals for training participants, in accordance with the subject of research indicated in the appendix.

Research – room rental, meals, accommodation, Cracow



In connection with the implementation of the project no. POWR.04.03.00-00-0134 / 18 pt. „Mobile Civil Servant. Improving the availability of public services for residents with special needs ”, co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund, under the Knowledge Education Development Operational Program, Priority Axis IV. Social innovations and transnational cooperation, Action: 4.3 Transnational cooperation, we invite you to submit offers for the rental of training rooms along with the provision of accommodation and meals for training participants, in accordance with the subject of research indicated in the appendix.

Research – room rental, meals, accommodation, Warsaw



Please be advised that the possibility of applying to the „Mobile Civil Servant” project has been extended until November 24, 2021. Detailed information is available on the project website.



Please be advised that the possibility of applying to the „Mobile Civil Servant” project has been extended until November 10, 2021. Detailed information is available on the project website.






In connection with the implementation of the project no. POWR.04.03.00-00-0134 / 18 pt. „Mobile Civil Servant. Improving the availability of public services for residents with special needs ”, co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund, under the Knowledge Education Development Operational Program, Priority Axis IV. Social innovations and transnational cooperation, Action: 4.3 Transnational cooperation, we invite you to submit offers for the rental of training rooms along with the provision of accommodation and meals for training participants, in accordance with the subject of research indicated in the appendix.

Research – room rental, meals, accommodation



In connection with the implementation of the project no. POWR.04.03.00-00-0134 / 18 pt. „Mobile clerk. Improving the availability of public services for residents with special needs ”, co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund, under the Knowledge Education Development Operational Program, Priority Axis IV. Social innovations and transnational cooperation, Action: 4.3 Transnational cooperation, we invite you to submit offers for training for Project Participants.

Research – trainings



Please be advised that the possibility of applying to the „Mobile Civil Servant” project has been extended until October 22, 2021. Detailed information is available on the project website.



Please be advised that the possibility of applying to the „Mobile Civil Servant. Improving the availability of public services for residents with special needs” project has been extended until 22/10/2021. Detailed information is available on the project website.






Please be advised that the possibility of applying to the „Mobile Civil Servant. Improving the availability of public services for residents with special needs” project has been extended until 01/10/2021. Detailed information is available on the project website.



Please be advised that the possibility of applying to the „Mobile Civil Servant. Improving the availability of public services for residents with special needs” project has been extended until 17/09/2021. Detailed information is available on the project website.



In connection with the completion of the next stage of the implementation of the „Mobile civil servant” project, we invite employees of city and commune offices as well as the offices themselves to start the implementation phase of the solution.

Recruitment of participants is ongoing. Planned start date of the training IX.2021

As part of the project, office employees will receive sets of training materials and will take part in trainings preparing them to implement mobile services within the institution.
The offices will receive substantive materials in the form of a developed model and educational videos that will allow the preparation of staff for the provision of mobile services.

Please contact us:


In connection with the implementation of the project no. POWR.04.03.00-00-0134 / 18 pt. „Mobile Civil Servant. Improving the availability of public services for residents with special needs ”, co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund, under the Knowledge Education Development Operational Program, Priority Axis IV. Social innovations and transnational cooperation, Measure: 4.3 Transnational cooperation, we invite you to submit offers for the preparation of materials and scenarios, in accordance with the subject of research indicated in the annex.

Market research – preparation of materials for films and development of scenarios


In connection with the implementation of the project no. POWR.04.03.00-00-0134 / 18 pt. „Mobile Civil Servant. Improving the availability of public services for residents with special needs ”, co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund, under the Knowledge Education Development Operational Program, Priority Axis IV. Social innovations and transnational cooperation, Action: 4.3 Transnational cooperation, we invite you to submit offers for the preparation of training materials in the form of films (including: film recording, processing, cost of subtitles and sign translation), in accordance with the subject of research indicated in the appendix.

Market research – video recording

Fundacja Partycypacji Społecznej
Agnieszka Skupio
tel. 577 666 148

Fundacja Partycypacji Społecznej
Paulina Jankowska
tel. 537 597 666

Regionalny Ośrodek Polityki Społecznej
Zuzanna Ostrowska
tel. 061 856 73 29

Testing phase


Stages of project implementation:

  1. Preparation of the solution (10.2019-06.2020)
  2. Testing the solution (07.2020-03.2021)
  3. Analysis of testing results (04-05.2021)
  4. Development of the implementation version (06-08.2021)
  5. Implementation of the solution (09-12.2021)
  6. Development of recommendations (12.2021)


Regulamin Uczestnictwa w testowaniu modelu w projekcie

Regulamin Uczestnictwa w testowaniu modelu w projekcie (pdf)

Umowa uczestnictwa w projekcie (testowanie rozwiązania)

Umowa uczestnictwa w projekcie (testowanie rozwiązania) (pdf)

Załącznik nr 1 do Regulaminu uczestnictwa w testowaniu modelu w projekcie

Załącznik nr 1 do Regulaminu uczestnictwa w testowaniu modelu w projekcie (pdf)

Załącznik nr 1 do umowy- Oświadczenie uczestnika projektu

Załącznik nr 1 do umowy- Oświadczenie uczestnika projektu (pdf)

Załącznik nr 2 do umowy- Zgoda na przetwarzanie wizerunku

Załącznik nr 2 do umowy- Zgoda na przetwarzanie wizerunku (pdf)

Formularz rekrutacyjny dla urzędów gmin i ich pracowników

Formularz rekrutacyjny dla urzędów gmin i ich pracowników (pdf)

Wersja powiększona:

Umowa uczestnictwa w projekcie (testowanie rozwiązania)- wersja powiększona

Załącznik nr 1 do Regulaminu uczestnictwa w testowaniu modelu w projekcie- wersja powiększona

Załącznik nr 1 do umowy- Oświadczenie uczestnika projektu- wersja powiększona

Załącznik nr 2 do umowy- Zgoda na przetwarzanie wizerunku- wersja powiększona

Regulamin Uczestnictwa w testowaniu modelu w projekcie- wersja powiększona

Formularz rekrutacyjny dla urzędów gmin i ich pracowników – wersja powiększona



A study visit took place from 02/03/ until 03/03/2020. It was aimed at developing a new solution for the project.


We invite you to contact us with all the municipalities that are interested in implementing the mobile civil servants model.