Systemic Age Management

Project „Systemic Age Management” no. POWR.04.03.00-00-0029/20 implemented under Priority Axis IV: Social innovations and transnational cooperation, Measure 4.3 Transnational cooperation

Co-financing: 2 090 778,89 PLN

Implementation period: 2021-07-01 do 2023-06-30

Implementation area: whole Poland

The purpose of the project

To develop, in transnational cooperation, SAM solution for age management in MSME and promoting lifelong learning among people in pre-retirement and retirement age, which will be implemented in the practice of 40 entities participating in the project and in the FPS training program.

Target group

  • users of the solution – owners of MSMEs, managers, managers, employees of HR departments in MSME from the industrial processing, trade and services sector – 40 employees at the testing stage + 80 employees at the implementation stage
  • recipients of the solution – pre-retirement and retirement age workers employed in MSME, including: specialists, industrial workers and craftsmen, technicians and associate professionals, service and sales workers – min. 180 employees at the testing stage

The SAM solutions

  • a model of supporting employers in the field of age management and diversity management in MSME, defining the goals, methods and tools of management strategies, onboarding, reskilling and mentoring focused on 55+ employees. Thanks to the model, it is possible to introduce organizational changes in the company in order to shape appropriate working conditions and maintain professional activity of employees in pre-retirement and retirement age;
  • 55+ employee support model defining goals, methods and tools for identifying own resources and aspects of career development as well as areas for improving professional competences. Thanks to the model, it is possible to prepare 55+ employees to remain in the labor market after reaching retirement age.


  • Onboarding – developing strategies that enable the implementation and retention of 55+ employees in the company
  • Education, training and learning – developing methods and tools for designing training courses for 55+ employees, as well as developing a knowledge transfer strategy in the company (LLL strategy, knowledge management, learning organization)
  • Employee career development – planning forms of support adequate to the needs of 55+ employees
  • Reskilling – developing strategies that enable the use of 55+ employees’ potential, adaptation to changes, shifts between positions, changing the job position adequately to the employee’s abilities and the company’s needs
  • Mentoring and succession planning – creating strategic mentoring partnerships between employees of different ages
  • Flexible forms of work and employment – developing methods and tools for organizing part-time work and remote work adapted to the capabilities of 55+ employees
  • Workplace ergonomics – methods of designing changes in the workplace, more adapted to the needs of 55+ employees
  • Promotion and health protection – development of health prophylaxis programs taking into account the needs of 55+ employees in this respect
  • Counteracting discrimination – developing tools for the information policy of age management and an anti-discrimination training program

Planned shedule of implementation

1) preparation of the test version of the solution 11 months

  • Review of existing research and analyses regarding the project implementation area as well as performing additional own research.
  • Exchange of experience / knowledge between transnational partners (study visits, team meetings, etc.)

2) testing phase of the solution  5 months

  • Testing involving representatives of target groups – managers/ employees
  • Collecting feedback of the testing.
  • Review of training programs

3) analysis of the effects of the tested solution  2 months

  • Analyse of the materials obtained under stage 2.The final result of this stage should be a test results analysis report.

4) developing the final version of the product  3 months

  • Development of a version of the solution ready for implementation, taking into account the results of testing and analysis carried out, with support of a transnational partners.
  • Development detailed elaboration of all elements / materials – Publication


Lead Partner: Fundacja Partycypacji Społecznej

ul. Polska 15, 60 – 595 Poznań, Polska


National Partner: Rehasport Clinic

Ul. Górecka 30, 60-201 Poznań


Transnational Partner: VsI Zmogiskuju istekliu stebesenos ir pletros biuras

Ezero 8-124, 77141 Szwale, Litwa


Transnational Partner: Grone-Bildungszentren NRW gGmbH gemeinntzig

Kampstrase 38, 44137 Dortmund, Niemcy

Do you have any questions? Contact us!

Project „Systemic Age Management” office

ul. Polska 15, 60-595 Poznań

Phone:  +48 61 662 11 60, 577 666 148


Submit your company to the project

Reaching pre-retirement and retirement age does not necessarily mean that it is time to end your professional career. On the contrary! By appreciating the experience of employees, it is worth equipping them with a new set of skills and enjoying a longer cooperation together. All you need is a little will and your head open to learning.

If your company is also based on this assumption, fill in the contact form and join the project.

Submit your company to the project

Reaching pre-retirement and retirement age does not necessarily mean that it is time to end your professional career. On the contrary! By appreciating the experience of employees, it is worth equipping them with a new set of skills and enjoying a longer cooperation together. All you need is a little will and your head open to learning.

If your company is also based on this assumption, fill in the contact form and join the project.

By completing and sending the above form, you consent to the processing by the Foundation for Social Participation of your personal data contained in the forms and attached documents for the purpose of recruitment for the project „Systemic Age Management” organized by the Foundation for Social Participation, as well as the implementation of the above-mentioned project. The consent may be withdrawn at any time without affecting the lawfulness of the processing carried out prior to its withdrawal.

Please be advised that the administrator of your personal data is the Foundation for Social Participation with its registered office in Poznań (61-131), at ul. Polska 15.

The personal data provided by you will not be / will be made available to other recipients and will not be / will be transferred to a third country. You have the right to access your data and the right to rectify, delete, limit processing, the right to transfer data, the right to object, the right to withdraw consent at any time without affecting the lawfulness of processing, which was made on the basis of consent before its withdrawal, as well as the right to lodge a complaint to the supervisory body when you feel that the processing of your personal data violates the provisions of the general regulation on the protection of personal data of 27 April 2016.

Data Protection Officer

Providing your personal data is voluntary.