Foundation for Social Participation promotes social and professional activity. Our main assumptions include conducting education and training activities for social groups at risk of exclusion, as well as supporting professional activity.

We carry out projects aimed at professional and social integration, undertaking activities for equal opportunities, promotion of employment and entrepreneurship.

We act against digital exclusion and support social innovation.

We also train, advise, and provide psychological and legal support.

Our activities are open to people with disabilities.

Foundation for Social Participation has experience in cooperation with entrepreneurs, public institutions, NGOs and entities from EU countries, including international organisations.

We are interested in participating in new projects and creating new partnerships.

We invite you to cooperate with us!


Dominika Flaczyk

President of the Board

Krystyna Kwiatkowska

Chief Executive Officer

Maria Tandeck

Transnational Project Manager


Main tasks and areas we can share knowledge and skills.

Foundation for Social Participation was established in 2013 with the entry in RIS (2.30/00142/2014) and KRAZ MGPIPS (certificate No. 10810). SPF (Social Participation Foundation) supports the development of local initiatives aimed at the professional and social integration of people at risk of exclusion (including in particular young people, people aged 50+, and people with disabilities). It undertakes activities aimed at equal opportunities, promotion of employment, self-employment and entrepreneurship. As part of its statutory activities, the Foundation promotes lifelong learning, civic participation and conducts activities aimed at preventing social, professional and digital exclusion. SPF is actively involved in the implementation of innovative projects focused on the creation and implementation of new solutions and methods, e.g. in the area of Riesling, systems coaching, mentoring and lean management. The applicant has the relevant experience and organisational potential to guarantee the timeliness, quality and effectiveness of the project activities.

Furthermore, due to the nature of support provided in the projects, FPS has a network of cooperating coaches, among others, specialists in the field of entrepreneurship, language and computer training. The coaches and counsellors who work actively on behalf of those excluded or at risk of exclusion (e.g. due to age, disability or gender), and therefore have a good knowledge of the institutional problems that these people face on a daily basis. FPS systematically increases the potential and expertise of its personnel by recruiting and engaging new employees in statutory and project activities under employment, cooperation or volunteer contract.

FPS employs project coordinators, Assistants, Settlement Specialists, psychologists, career advisors, coaches, employment agents and specialist advisors, among others. The staff are experienced in implementing activities in partnership with non-governmental entities, public entities and private enterprises.

The organisational potential of the company ensures the timely implementation of activities at a high level of expertise. The staff has specialist competences, among others, in the area of adult education, psychology, project management and accounting.

FPS has a network of cooperating volunteers within the framework of its statutory and project activities, as well as developed local cooperation networks (over 300 cooperation agreements).

Experience in EU-funded projects

The FPS is currently implementing 4 projects under the Operational Programme Digital Poland aimed at providing support for nearly 12,000 people aged 65+ in the Pomeranian, Greater Poland, Lower Silesian and Silesian Provinces to increase the level of digital competences, computer and tablet operation, and use of the Internet, among others.

The FPS also implements projects in the field of social and professional activation in Lubuskie, Pomeranian, Greater Poland and Lower Silesia provinces for persons excluded and at risk of social exclusion, consisting in individual counselling, training and professional internships. The total value of the projects exceeds PLN 73 million, while the total number of participants is nearly 14,000.


Young Entrepreneurship Factory (POKL.06.02.00-22-108/13; training value: PLN 384,362.00); effects achieved: professional activation of 50 participants of the project by granting financial support for business start-up, as well as training and advisory support at the rate of 104.17%. Thanks to the high quality of activities, over 80% of the businesses created continued to operate after 36 months from their establishment.

New horizons (POKL.07.02.01-16-130/14; training value: PLN 368,350.00); 50 persons were trained, including 11 persons of age 50+; thanks to the implementation of the project activities, the employment effectiveness indicators were achieved at the level of 120%, the effective management of the project made it possible to extend support to additional people, thus, achieving the indicator at the level of 108% for the number of unemployed persons with disabilities who increased their independence and decision-making skills. Through the application of comprehensive individualised support depending on the needs of the participant, it was possible to achieve a sustainable socio-professional effect among the participants (help to overcome passivity, discover the advantages of educational development etc.). Digital Activity Centre Training in Information and Communication Technology for Adults – partner: (RPWP.08.02.00-30-0156/15; training value: PLN 572,250.00); 200 persons were trained, including 100 people aged 50+; The implementation of the project activities made it possible to improve digital competences among the project participants and 100% achievement of the adopted indicators. The project had a significant effect on the professional development of participants and allowed them to acquire the practical skills required by the labour market.

Computer ABC – new ICT competences – (leader: RPDS.10.03.00-02-0272/16; project value PLN 266,625.00), 120 people were trained, including 60 people aged 50+. Within the framework of activation projects, some of the participants are trained in the area of ICT. The implementation of the project activities allowed for the improvement of digital competences among the project participants and 100% accomplishment of the adopted indicators. The project had a significant effect on the professional development of participants and allowed them to acquire the practical skills required by the labour market.

“Bytów – new opportunities for the unemployed over 30 years of age (RPPM.05.02.02-22-0130/15, value: PLN 1,510,884.16); the high quality of support and the project management method enabled the achievement of the indicator: The number of employed persons, including the self-employed, after leaving the programme at the level of 200%.

We want to work! – project for the professional activation of disabled people (RPWP.07.01.02-30-0051/15, value: PLN 1,881,864.00); the high quality of support and the project management method enabled the achievement of the indicator: The number of people working, including the self-employed, after leaving the programme at the level of 100%. Let’s reach for higher together! (RPPM.06.01.02-22-0069/15, value: PLN 987,660.05) high quality of support and the project management method enabled the achievement of the indicator: The number of people working, including the self-employed, after leaving the programme at the level of 100%

The most difficult first step (RPPM.06.01.02-22-0066/15, value: PLN 987,660.05); the high quality of support and the project management method enabled the achievement of the indicator. The number of people at risk of poverty or social exclusion working after leaving the programme (including the self-employed) at the level of 103%. The implemented measures did affect not only the direct beneficiaries of the support but also their environment (which was often proved by the fact that participants were recruited to the project thanks to the positive experiences of their relatives or friends who were also in a difficult social and professional situation).

Experience in transnational cooperation

Partner in the project “International cooperation pays off”. Grants for the international cooperation component for beneficiaries of standard projects implemented within the scope of thematic objectives 8-11 co-financed by the ESF under OP WER or ROP for the financial perspective 2014-2020″. No. POWR.04.03.00-00-0093/17. Implementation period: 2018-07-01 to 2021-06-30. The project is implemented by Grupa Profesja sp. z o.o. in partnership with the Social Participation Foundation, EURO CAPITAL DORADZTWO GOSPODARCZE limited partnership, and Grone Bildungszentren NRW GmbH – gemeinntzig, Dortmund. Project objective: to extend the standard projects, implemented within the scope of thematic objectives 8-11 co-financed by the ESF under POWER or ROP in the financial perspective 2014-2020, to include international cooperation with added value in relation to the implemented standard project. Beneficiaries of standard projects, who want to extend the project to include international cooperation, are granted substantive support in the scope of establishment of international and financial partnerships in the form of grants with a maximum value of PLN 100,000 under the rules specified in the grant procedure.

The project contributes to the implementation of the objectives of OP WER – detailed objective of Measure 4.3: Implementation of new solutions, particularly in the scope of professional activation, continuous education and creation and implementation of public policies, thanks to cooperation with foreign partners. Implementation of transnational cooperation projects (grants) by the Beneficiaries, through which new solutions will be created, should also contribute to an increase in the effectiveness of other interventions supported under the ESF.

As a result of the support granted – 100 entities will receive grants and implement a new solution (instrument/tool/approach) into the functioning practice of a given institution.

Project “Mobile clerk. Improving the accessibility of public services for residents with special needs” No. POWR.04.03.00-00-0134/18. Implementation period: from 2019-11-01 to 2021-10-31, project value: PLN 1,445,604.00. The project is implemented in partnership with Social Unitas GmbH based in Hamburg, Verein zur sozialen und beruflichen Integration e.V. from Merseburg and the Regional Centre for Social Policy in Poznań.

Main objective of the project: developing in cooperation with transnational partners 1 model of activities and increasing the competence level of 96 employees of municipal self-government units in the area of providing services to customers with special needs (in accordance with the definition of the Accessibility+ 2018-2025 Programme) – people with legal and biological disabilities, impaired by diseases, with temporary or permanent limitation of mobility and access to the service providing point), older people (65+), dependants (15+), who are at risk of social and civil exclusion due to health problems. The developed solution will be put into practice by 81 institutions.